Anonymous Feedback
Student good faith opinions, complaints and concerns are of great value to the college. We recognize that students with legitimate complaints could feel inhibited in submitting their thoughts. Therefore we have developed and instituted a mechanism whereby a student can submit an anonymous complaint or suggestion.
The following link
Submit Anonymous Feedback
will lead you to the form to fill out.
The link will only accept input from NYCPM Students, (which is why you are asked to login) however the students identity is not recorded or known to anyone. Once received the comment will be reviewed and evaluated by two or three individuals from Senior Administration. A determination will then be made whether further investigation or action should be, or can be taken. Unprofessional verbiage, inappropriate language or mean spirited comments will be immediately discarded. Any issues of substance that can be further investigated or acted upon, I assure you, will be. On behalf of the College Administration, we hope that this initiative will prove fruitful and result in positive impacts.